Saturday, February 28, 2009

You Can Make This

Ok, I'm ready to come clean...please don't judge me... I know I have an addiction. My addiction is to the website ....... You can make this. I absolutely LOVE everything that they do. There are so many ideas and great ebooks to help you master the art of sewing, jewelry making, bow making, baking, handbags and the list goes on! Whatever you need you can find on their site! Oh and don't get me started on the 'I made this' section of their site! So many people out there are making such wonderful items for the important people in their lives. Take a look at my slideshow below for some of my successes with patterns from their site.

Please do me a favor and click on one of the links at the right to see how You can make this will change your life! You can receive a $75 FREE (nothing is better than that!) bundle package when you sign up to be on the newsletter list. You will get 1 online YCMT episode on “Making Initial Tees”, as well as 8 ebooks on a variety of subjects- all for free! They also have a 2nd newsletter, all dedicated to the world of sewing. It is called the, “You Can Sew This!” newsletter. Those who subscribe to this will also receive 5 FREE, exclusive projects to download. Their newest newsletter is for the crocheters and knitters out there.

So I ask you, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR????? Get out there and have some fun! Then you can have the same addiction as I do! Let me know what you think.

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